
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Guess who's back?!

    So it has come up in conversation more than once in the last few weeks, that people miss reading this blog. This is equal parts thrilling and sad news because it has been SO long since I have written anything here. You wouldn't believe how much has changed around these parts in a year.
Daniel and I took a semi spontaneous trip to Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba last September. It was on that trip that we decided that we were going to start trying for a second baby. Those who know me best know that anything of that magnitude in my life is met with a "science project" type of mind set. Away went the blog and out came the charts and basal body thermometer's. We are absolutely blessed enough to have conceived a healthy baby and found out we were expecting in late September.
  Well, a healthy pregnancy has come and gone (with the exception of a complication free round of gestational diabetes) and we welcomed a healthy daughter via scheduled c-section on September 19th, she is now nearly 8 weeks old and an absolute gem.

    Life has been quite the adjustment but all things considered we fared the earliest days quite well. As you know I survived post partum depression after my son was born in 2010 and I was quite terrified that it would repeat. My husband was adamant that all would be OK this time for many reasons, but above all because the culture shock of bringing home an infant was long gone; were now equipped and no longer saw the world of parenthood through rose coloured glasses. I am thrilled to say, so far, he is correct. Our daughter has just slipped right into the folds of our lives as if she has always been here. In some strange way she almost hit the reset button on my heart and mind and erased some of the damage PPD caused. That being said I will always be changed, still, I am now the mother I wished I could have been in the first year of my sons life. That does foster a bit of guilt. But guilt to me is a useless emotion, so I choose to learn from it and devote my heart as the best version of myself to him now.
  All of that being said, here I am once again looking at losing a substantial amount of weight. I only gained 41lbs with this pregnancy, which was a lot yes, but far less than my 70lbs with my son. In the last 8 weeks I have been eating fairly well and haven't had more than a moment to sit down so the first half of the weight came off quickly. Now that the dust has settled I am looking at 25 pounds to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, and 101 pounds to get to my healthiest weight goal. I have one year to do it to lower my risk of Type 2 diabetes and any other weight related complications that to the potential risks of having had GD.

    More importantly, I know find myself looking into the eyes of a little girl who's emotional health I am now responsible for (not to mention every other aspect of her mind body and psyche), and having been a big girl most of my life it is not a fate I would chose for my children, especially a daughter. We all know the only way to lead is by example. That leaves me with no option but to get as healthy as possible in a reasonable amount of time. The snow is just starting to fall and finding time to work out and eat clean and properly portioned food is significantly harder than I expected. This will take work. Much more work than the last round.

   I have rejoined weight watchers and I have received the go ahead to start working out as I see fit. I am excited about walking this road again, especially with you guys. I am looking forward to starting up the blog again and finally having a bit of time to dedicate to it. I have tonight to try and choose a quick but effective workout schedule because tomorrow is D day. I have a feeling the tried and true 30 Day Shred may be the best choice for a kick start.

I'll let you know ;)

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