
Tuesday 31 January 2012

And So It Begins...


This is a big moment in time that you are about to journey with me through, friend. 

I have decided that it is time to change my life. Well, my life style that is. I have spent the majority of my life overweight and semi lazy. That finally became completely out of control over the last 5 years. After losing 54 pounds in 2007, I have gained over 130 pounds since I moved in with my now Husband (pregnancy weight included,) and it's taking a toll on my body, mind and dare I say, spirit. I hit rock bottom this past November when my father passed away from Brain Cancer. When I watched him being put into a large duffel bag I made the decision to NOT do this to my own child(ren) if I can help it. And, I most certainly can help it when it comes to obesity related issues.

That hurts to say, "Obesity". Lets say it like it is, it paints a picture doesn't it? Of an unkempt, glutton with no self control.Well my hair is brushed and my clothes are clean, but some days it feels like that is about the only thing separating me from The People of Walmart. Trust me, I am not being a sad sack about it, I just have to look at this from a realistic standpoint if I am ever going to do something about the mess I am in. 

Recently, my Husband (Daniel) mentioned that its starting to creep up on that time we agreed on to start getting ready for the possibility of another baby. I agreed, and we both spoke about it being time for me to do something about this constant state of near illness that I am in. 

You see, James was born by cesarean section after 17 hours of labour at 39w 4d, after a failed induction due to high blood pressure, weight gain and projected baby weight (11 pounds 1oz), and failure to dilate. I will be honest, I was very upset with myself that I literally ate my way into a section. I vowed that next time around I would do everything in my power to avoid that. IF I am able to qualify for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), than that is absolutely what I would want. In the meantime we had a rough year, with a number of deaths in the family and my own personal struggle with Post Partum Depression. Now that the fog is lifting on the family and PPD is 7 months in the past, I realised I haven't made a single genuine effort to get healthy again, and stay that way.

That all being said, we want to start trying to conceive in mid late summer, so this is do or die time. Lets be clear, I am not going to try to lose 100 pounds by July! I am however, going to try and get as healthy as possible, safely, in the next 7 or so months. I have my work cut out for me. 

In this blog I will discuss my weight loss, complete with its trials and celebrations. I will discuss the process, the people involved and the products I try. I will be honest and we will have fun! 

Wish me luck, I am going to need it!!


  1. Replies
    1. Good Luck Hun. You go girl.
      With love

  2. Best of luck sweetie, and all the love in the world to you on this journey and please know that even though we may be many many miles apart that if you need please call, I am always home

    We all love you so much and if there is anything we can do to help you on this journey we will do our best!!!

    Love always Carolina and the Skinulis clan!!!

  3. You are the most amazing youung woman that I know....I do know how hard this journey for you has been. Like you .....I have too stuggled most of my life with this too.....YOU will break the history of the women in our making the concious heathly choices that you are making right now. I am so PROUD of you sweetheart...........
    I am on your team and will cheer you one with every baby step you take on this journey......
    I love you so very much
    hugs & kisses
    Auntie Sonya
