
Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Back Story.

So you may be wondering, why natural health? Why not just go to your regular Dr and get some meds and be done with it?! Well in the simplest context, it just makes sense to me and it works for me. It makes sense to me to treat mild and moderate body ailments with natural cures that have worked for centuries. For example,  why use an antibiotic for something like boils when it's so much better for your body to use Berberis? Berberis is used as a broad spectrum "antibiotic" when heavier drugs are not quite yet needed. ailments like staph, external bacterial infections, epidermal infections, and so on. This is not to say there is no place for modern medicine. I respect and admire my MD, she is wise and well informed. And I do not replace her opinions with my own, but I will seek a second opinion in non life threatening situations for more effective treatment (treating the root of the issue not the symptom). Co-care, if you will.

Once upon a time, I spent a year working at Whole Foods Market , and it was mind blowing. I took many classes offered and was obsessed with learning everything I could about the products we sold, and the practises used to cultivate those foods and products. It was eye opening. for me. That translated eventually into me managing a Nutrition House, and being currently enrolled in the Advanced Nutrition program at Alive Academy. I also have a Digestive Care Specialist certificate with the company Renew Life. I plan to finish both available programs at Alive and register for the IONC and RNCP designations.

It just absolutely fascinates me! It's incredible to see a salve made of olive oil and marigold flowers (Calendula Cream) clear up my 7 month old son's cracked and bleeding eczema within 72 hours, when NO conventional medicines or creams worked. Or that a blend of homeopathic pellets nearly cured my allergies, when I had tried every over the counter drug, prescriptions and even shots all to no avail. Working at Nutrition House it was amazing to see people return and tell me that holistic medicines were working for them. Especially the sceptics. In the end I learnt more from my customers than they really learnt from me.  I hope you can see how I was so drawn to the practise.

I am still constantly amazed by how such complex issues can be treated with such simple cures. I hope to stay a life long student, and more importantly be a true representation of this lifestyle.

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