
Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Starting Point.

After almost a year with random and constant health issues I started to panic, and went to see my MD. She would take a look at things and feel around and say "oh it's just this and oh it's just that", and write me a script for an antibiotic. Well I quickly realised these antibiotics were not working and likely creating an internal environment that is allowing these bacterias to grow in the first place. In retrospect it irritates me that I didn't do what I was educated to do, and that is try holistic medicines earlier.

So after seeing my family MD on three occasions  where she told me everything was fine, even after doing blood work; I went to see J's Naturopath. My appointment with her this week was 3 hours long. She made me tea and let my 17 month old play in her medical journals and textbooks. We discussed my goals (get to a healthy weight for pregnancy, resolve bacterial imbalances, reduce anxiety and grief, eventually adopt a fully vegetarian lifestyle), she took urine and saliva samples, I had an iodine skin absorption test and a zinc test. Turns out, my thyroid is slightly low, as is iodine and zinc, no toxicity in my gut, no traces of fun things in my urine, most importantly no fact, despite my size my visceral fat is surprisingly low, and it turns out I am much healthier than I thought in most ways! Which was a huge relief. My MD did all the same tests via blood tests a little bit ago, but never called me with the results because they were normal. It was nice to get a full explanation of something that I now understand reconfirming my MD's results. Again, Co-care!

After this session she loaded me up with a bunch of remedies and recommendations. I will break them down quickly, and you can look them up if you're interested in learning more about them all. I will eventually devote a post to charts about homeopathic and natural remedies.

Weight Loss Basics:  follow anti-inflammatory diet, low - moderate glycemic carbs + healthy fats + healthy serving sizes, 1/2 your body weight of water in oz (in my case this is 119 oz which is 15 glasses of water..yes you read that right!). Flax seeds and oil everyday. One thing I found very interesting is seed  rotation. You eat certain seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) at different times of the month to help balance your hormones! Also, a whey protein shake to help balance my blood sugars and increase satiety. I can add sprouted flax and chia seed powder in the protien shake as well as a powdered fibre blend, flax oils and pretty much anything I can think of to make a super shake for breakfast.

Resolving Skin Issues : Homeopathics - Calc-Sulph 6x - 2x day, Silicea 6x - 2x day,  ascending doses of  Sulphur, Berberis Formula (to kill off any unhealthy microbes in the skin), Castor Oil on the abdomen nightly to help detox, eat alkaline foods and jump on a rebounder (10 mins = running 1 mile) which will unclogged the lymphatic system.

Also I am doing 3 months of HMF Intensive probiotic therapy, and an iodine absorption plan (which is swabbing a 3 inch diameter iodine stain on your upper thigh or abdomen daily until it takes 24 hours or more to absorb.

So that my friends is our first steps!

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