
Friday 16 March 2012

Weight Watchers Break Through.

At my smallest.
As I mentioned in my last post, I want to touch on what I have been doing in regards to the nutrition aspect of weight loss. The same day I started working out again is the same day I re-committed to weight watchers. There is a short back story here. I went on weight watchers 6 years ago. I successfully lost 54 pounds in 9 months.  The formula at the time was 90% nutrition and 10% fitness. I became comfortable and complacent about the portions and the types of food I was eating. After a 6 hour wine and tears fest with a good friend, we somehow ended up with McDonald's (a first in over 2 years at the time) and that was the official beginning of the end. It was like an addiction damn broke and that was that. When I got married I had put on about 50 pounds. Ugh. It went on slowly, and Weight Watchers was out the window completely! I was right back to eating whatever I wanted.

I thought pregnancy would save me from my poor eating habits...alas, it did not.

So since weight watchers completely revamped their plan, I thought I would check it out in a focused mindset and see what happened. Well, my first week I was down 3.6 POUNDS! It does sound like much in the grand scheme of things (65 pounds for next pregnancy, 95 pounds in total), but it's a solid start!

The plan itself is a bit more complicated, but I have been using Weight Watchers Online and it's SO much easier! I just set up the laptop on the kitchen counter and enter every single thing I put in my face. I pre-plan my points for dinner and plan around that. That way I am always covered for a decent dinner and not stuck wishing for more points. I freely use the Weekly Allowance points as well, and try to split them up a little bit through the week. I do not swap my fitness points earned for food.

I enjoy being mindful and informed of what I am putting in my body, too. I don't eat aspartame or other artificial sugars if it can be avoided, so I use more points through the day by using naturally sweetened products. At the same time it's infinitely better than ingesting it and doing serious and irreversible damage to myself.

I weigh in at home every Monday, so I will be reporting on the new 60% nutrition 40% fitness formula, every Monday or Tuesday night!

"If you want to see the muscle, you need to burn off the fat"
~ Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser Trainer, Fitness Phenomenon. 

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