
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Easter Weekend was a Success In My Books!

I recently read something that says it takes about 4 weeks for you to notice the changes in your body. I am between 4-5 weeks into this weight loss journey and I am down a full pant size! And not the "suck it all in hope for the best" fit, but the "wow, these pants do up AND feel comfortable" fit. It's an amazing feeling. I didn't expect it so soon. My last round with weight watchers was much slower in the inches lost department, but it was however, faster in the pounds lost department. This time around it's the opposite. I am losing weight slower but the inches are melting away. I prefer this approach!

I am onto day 20 of the 30 Day Shred and I feel amazing! I am struggling with level 2 but it's motivating. I have a hard time with lunges and squats and that is the whole basis of level 2. I am pretty determined to get through it  and onto level 3 though, and I can feel it getting easier and easier everyday. I suspect it will be more of a 40 day shred in the end, but I will still post stats and pics as planned on day 31. I gave level 1 a shot the other day to gauge any improvements and I was thrilled. Level 1 is by no means easy, but my endurance was significantly better, and I was able to go full out on all the moves.

This week I did miss one day due to Easter Sunday, and I didn't do so well with tracking my food and my water intake with Weight Watchers. However, I did make fantastic choices and stayed away from holiday candies and chocolates and didn't drink nearly as much wine as usual lol. All in all after I weighed in yesterday morning there was no change in my weight this week, but in the grand scheme of things, I am fine with that. I did weigh in on Thursday to see how strict I needed to be with WW through Easter weekend, and I was down  just over 1.5 pounds which put me at my 5% goal! I didn't add it into my WWOnline tracker because it wasn't a weekly weigh in and it can fluctuate a lot through the week, but it was a huge empowering personal goal to see the numbers staring back at me. Since this weeks official weigh in didn't reflect the same numbers as mid week, I will be stepping it up this week now that the holidays are over. Travelling really throws me off.

Starting Weight -   239
Previous Weight -  229.1
Current Weight -   229.1
Total Lost        - 9.9

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