
Monday 2 April 2012

Weekly Progress Report - Hey body fat, you can suck it!!

So I can attest to the fact that this 30 Day Shred works! I am down 4.7 POUNDS this week! I was floored by that loss! As you can see from last nights post, I can already see the visible changes and I am starting to feel much cleaner and stronger on the inside also. My lower back strength has increased 10 fold, and my endurance is much higher! That's the best part, suddenly finding you can keep up again! I am 2 pounds away from my first goal of 5% body weight lost! I intended to get there before Easter, and it looks like I just may actually achieve that goal! I am also going to check my measurements tomorrow and report back on that. It looks like I'll have my wedding rings back on by the end of April, if I can keep this up!

Starting Weight -   239
Previous Weight -  233.8
Current Weight -   229.1
Total Lost        - 9.9

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