
Thursday 24 May 2012

And Around We Go.

These are the times that you have to stay focused, when life gets in the way and days pass a little too quickly. I haven't worked out properly in 7 days and I felt like a bag of crap! Last Friday I developed a boil on the inside of my leg. It's not quite as gross as it sounds but it hurts like you wouldn't believe. Just my clothing rubbing against the inflamed skin made me want to cry, so I had to drop the workouts for almost 4 days. On Monday I managed to get half a workout in. This better than nothing but not enough. I did, however, eat well and do a fair amount of walking and running around with James. Daniel was in Virginia for work for 3 days and it became very clear that I cannot workout with James around. I would have put the DVDs on the laptop and workout out in the backyard while he slept, but Daniel had the laptop with him also. 

So, I am pretty annoyed that I haven't gotten very far with the Insanity program right now. That being said, I do not accept defeat. So this morning I threw on the Pure Cardio DVD and partway through I said that I will not miss any more than one workout at a time because the climb back in awful. That DVD damn near killed me let me tell you. It's 15 minutes of non stop hardcore cardio. 15 minutes doesn't sound like a very long time until you're doing "suicides, push up jacks, and level 2 drills" with no intended break. You know you're in for an ass kicking when there is 3 full minutes of stretching after the warm up, which almost kills you to begin with.

I will be doing the Pure Cardio workout until Monday to get my endurance black up, blast out some last minute fat and get focused for Monday. Because this program is so specific, I like to stick to it as literally as possible.

I was down 0.8 pounds as of Mondays weigh in, and I am perfectly happy with that. They can't all be 5 pound losses, and as long as it's moving down then I am happy! I am a little over 7 pounds away from my 2nd goal of 10% body fat lost. I have accepted that I have plateaued, but I do not accept staying here! 

Bring on the cardio! 

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