
Tuesday 15 May 2012

Insanity Isn't Even The Word For It.

Today is day 2 of the Insanity Workout Program and I can see how this is going to transform my body! Let me go back a few weeks. After I completed the 30 Day Shred I had a few weeks of downtime before Insanity showed up. So I continued to use the Latin Cardio Jam that I started with and also the Killer Buns & Thighs dvd that I purchased with the Shred. I quickly realised that I need a structured time limited program in order to succeed. The first two weeks I gained 2.6 pounds overall, however I lost 1.9 pounds this week. That leaves me with a .7 left over, but I am pretty sure the last two days with Insanity have destroyed those few ounces.

The Insanity Workout program is made up of a series of videos that are 35-55 minutes in length . You workout 6 days a week with a different video each day. Sunday is your rest day and there is a week of recovery in the middle of the program (I am already looking forward to that). The program is 28 days on, one week of recovery workouts, and another 28 days on for a total of 63 days total. I have googled before and after photos and some of them are mind blowing. I accept that there will likely be days that I miss it and will have to make up the next day, but I really am hoping that between Daniel and I we can get it done in 63 days. As with the Shred, I hope to stick to the program as accurately as possible.

A Quick Overview

The first day was a simple fit test to gauge your personal fitness level and set goals. I can tell you that it was a workout in itself and I was stiff this morning! There are 8 specific moves involved and you have one minute to complete as many reps of that move as you can. There is a chart in the package that you can use to track your fit test scores every 2 weeks through the program. I was pleasantly surprised by my own numbers I must say!

Day 2 was a Polymetric cardio circuit, and it kicked my butt. I was completely soaked with sweat when I was done but my sweet baby Jesus did I feel amazing! There was a few moves that I spent my time dry heaving through, and some that I couldn't complete one rep, but that motivates me so much! I look forward to trying it again next Tuesday! I went for a nice walk after the work out with one of my closest friends and as always it did wonders for my heart and mind and I think it will really help with the inevitable soreness that awaits me in the morning.

I am a little scared and completely intimidated but I am focused and ready for this challenge. I am already considering learning to run with Couch to 25K when this program is over. But lets not get too ahead of ourselves shall we?!

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