
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Final Results of the 30 Day Shred!

Well I personally can't quite believe that I started this challenge and finished it. It was harder some days than others. It was frustrating when something came up and I couldn't get a workout in for some reason. It was infuriating when it felt like I was never going to be able to keep up. In the end it was a glorious feeling to finish the 30 Day Shred.

There have been incredible improvements! My endurance is up considerably. I am very impressed with the improvement in my upper body strength. I had a hard time completing 3 push ups in the beginning and I can now do 25. My lower back is much stronger. Deep breathing has improved, focus has improved, flexibility has improved greatly. For the first time in a decade my plank position is strong and I can hold plank (alone) for almost 20 seconds. Polymetrics (jump training) has improved my height and form.

On to the numbers.

Over all I have lost 16.2 pounds & 12 inches while dong the 30 Day Shred.

Inches came off in the following places:

Arms   42 - 40      -2
Hips    52 - 49      -3
Bust    46 - 42      -4
Waist  41 - 39      -2   
Thighs 31 - 30      -1

And here you have it folks, the final picture. I apologise for the exposure, I am terrible at this editing stuff.

Thank you so much for ALL of your love and support!! I couldn't have finished without you! 

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Worth Every Second.

I am very proud to say that I have accomplished my first goal. I have officially lost 5% of my body weight. I lost 3.8 pounds this week! This is unreal to me, as I was expecting a gain! I ate well and within my portions, however, I did not think I drank enough water and I only worked out 3 times due to Daniel's insane work schedule last week. It looks like my body benefited from the rest. I am down a full pant size, and many of my older shirts are starting to fit again, also!

Starting Weight -   239
Previous Weight -  229.1
Current Weight -   225.2
Total Lost        - 13.8

Today I took a bold step forward and started Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred! It was incredibly challenging but also very motivating. They pick up the pace for level 3, that's for sure! Walking push ups, jumping squats, jumping lunges..ouch! But I could keep up better than I could with level 2, which is interesting. I assume it's because I am using different muscles.

So I have decided to make a series of smaller goals to propel me towards my bigger goals. My next goal is 10% weight loss. This is 10.2 pounds away. I am aiming to get to that goal by the middle/end of May. I mentioned to my Sister in Law that I was looking forward to getting to the point where I only have 35 or so pounds left to lose. At that point I realised that goal was only 10 pounds away from my 10% goal. Then I plan on spending the summer losing that 35 pounds!

I would like to get to 170-175 by James' birthday. This is a substantial goal. 50-55 more pounds in 4.5 months. I will do my best, in as healthy a way as I can to achieve this goal. I am even more motivated that it's possible than I was on day 1.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Easter Weekend was a Success In My Books!

I recently read something that says it takes about 4 weeks for you to notice the changes in your body. I am between 4-5 weeks into this weight loss journey and I am down a full pant size! And not the "suck it all in hope for the best" fit, but the "wow, these pants do up AND feel comfortable" fit. It's an amazing feeling. I didn't expect it so soon. My last round with weight watchers was much slower in the inches lost department, but it was however, faster in the pounds lost department. This time around it's the opposite. I am losing weight slower but the inches are melting away. I prefer this approach!

I am onto day 20 of the 30 Day Shred and I feel amazing! I am struggling with level 2 but it's motivating. I have a hard time with lunges and squats and that is the whole basis of level 2. I am pretty determined to get through it  and onto level 3 though, and I can feel it getting easier and easier everyday. I suspect it will be more of a 40 day shred in the end, but I will still post stats and pics as planned on day 31. I gave level 1 a shot the other day to gauge any improvements and I was thrilled. Level 1 is by no means easy, but my endurance was significantly better, and I was able to go full out on all the moves.

This week I did miss one day due to Easter Sunday, and I didn't do so well with tracking my food and my water intake with Weight Watchers. However, I did make fantastic choices and stayed away from holiday candies and chocolates and didn't drink nearly as much wine as usual lol. All in all after I weighed in yesterday morning there was no change in my weight this week, but in the grand scheme of things, I am fine with that. I did weigh in on Thursday to see how strict I needed to be with WW through Easter weekend, and I was down  just over 1.5 pounds which put me at my 5% goal! I didn't add it into my WWOnline tracker because it wasn't a weekly weigh in and it can fluctuate a lot through the week, but it was a huge empowering personal goal to see the numbers staring back at me. Since this weeks official weigh in didn't reflect the same numbers as mid week, I will be stepping it up this week now that the holidays are over. Travelling really throws me off.

Starting Weight -   239
Previous Weight -  229.1
Current Weight -   229.1
Total Lost        - 9.9

Monday 2 April 2012

Weekly Progress Report - Hey body fat, you can suck it!!

So I can attest to the fact that this 30 Day Shred works! I am down 4.7 POUNDS this week! I was floored by that loss! As you can see from last nights post, I can already see the visible changes and I am starting to feel much cleaner and stronger on the inside also. My lower back strength has increased 10 fold, and my endurance is much higher! That's the best part, suddenly finding you can keep up again! I am 2 pounds away from my first goal of 5% body weight lost! I intended to get there before Easter, and it looks like I just may actually achieve that goal! I am also going to check my measurements tomorrow and report back on that. It looks like I'll have my wedding rings back on by the end of April, if I can keep this up!

Starting Weight -   239
Previous Weight -  233.8
Current Weight -   229.1
Total Lost        - 9.9

Sunday 1 April 2012

Level 1 - Shreded!

It has been an intense two weeks in the world of Me & Jillian Michaels! I have stuck with it every single day and I am quite proud to say I am 14 days in AND I moved up to level 2! I have moved up from 2 pound weights to 5 pound weights, and I am mostly able to follow the harder versions of each movement. I am incredibly motivated by both my own changes and by the girls also following the 30 Day Shred in the mommy group. I appreciate their constant and continued support. I wouldn't be able to be so diligent about it either, if it wasn't for Daniel.

That being said, last weeks weigh in sucked balls. I was up 0.9lbs. This may seem insignificant to some, but after working out everyday it can be very frustrating. That being said it was also an unfair time of the month to have to weigh yourself. So I am hoping that with some focus I did much better this week on weight watchers. Still, I am clearly losing inches and that alone is enough to get me through. I need to step up the cardio though, looks like I will be adding to my routine this week!

Stats as of last Monday were...

Starting Weight -   239
Previous Weight -  232.9
Current Weight -   233.8
Total Lost           - 5.2

Here is a picture of me before and after Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred. I am literally letting it all hang out, take it easy on me dudes, this isn't easy stuff to post.

I am looking forward to tomorrows weigh in! I hope to get a post out asap!